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Oil Buddy 2
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Oil Buddy Display Merchandisers
Oil Buddy No-Spill-Oil-Spout is a proven Impulse Buy item. Superior product performance guarantees customer satisfaction.
Narrow packaging and low price make Oil Buddy and Oil Buddy II ideal for placement in the Automotive Section and Check-Out Counters.
Products are packaged on header cards suitable for display on pegs or as pre-loaded clip strips. Counter top displays are also available. (See Details and Closeups below)
Two color choices means that customers will usually purchase an Oil Buddy pour spout for oil change duties and a second Oil Buddy for refilling of windshield washer fluids and antifreeze coolant.
Oil Buddy Pour Spout makes the perfect Father's Day gift for the do-it-yourselfer and is also a great Christmas stocking stuffer. See results of our
test marketing research.
An Oil Accessory buyer from Canadian Tire had this to say....
"As soon as you get the 1 gallon spout ready for market, we will do a blitz in all our stores across Canada. We are looking forward to adding Oil Buddy pour spouts to the assortment. They are going to round out and compliment the category very nicely."
He also mentioned the possibility of cross promoting with the 1 gallon containers of synthetic oils and anti-freeze coolants.
Oil Buddy 1 & 2 - General Merchandisers - Boxed Display
Counter Display: #900-CTD 24
count Oil Buddy I
Single Oil Buddy - 1 Qrt size
Carded Open Stock: #950-OS
12 count Oil Buddy I
Carded Open Stock: #850-OS
12 count Oil Buddy II
Oil Buddy II - 1 Gal size
Counter Display: #800-CTD 12
count Oil Buddy II
Oil Buddy - Printed Full Color Brochures - click below for PDF
Custom colors and branding available - see more
promo ideas
Oil Buddy 2 Counter/Shelf Display - Click below for PDF
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